La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Juilet 2004


Salutâtions tout l'monde, ch'est la saîson des Gogailles et des Fêtes! Last month's meeting went well in organising La Chasse en Vouaituthe, things for the Revels and La Fête Nouormande at Bayeux.

Despite the clash with Father's Day, La Chasse went better than expected – six cars with sixteen people and two children! All arrived at Le Phare for a wonderful selection of sandwiches, the answers and a range of prizes, kindly donated by L'Office du Jèrriais, La Société and our past Chairman Jayne Le B, who also compiled the questions. Everyone thought them very fair, though some wanted more time, and they went away happy, wanting another one. We only lost two people (!) but raised £60.00 for next year's Fête and even had a practice for our Bayeux performance.

Les Gogailles were the highlight of the month, despite comments on the costs, the incorrect weather forecast and the spread of displays. There was a wonderful variety of performances, dress, activities and provender, from the street theatre on stilts, various singing groups in languages other than Jèrriais, some to medieval instruments, artisans working in leather, pewter, wood and wool in and around the Castle grounds, to displays of archery and falconry and re-enactments of historical events (although the excellent jousting was a special period performance). The produce stalls too, were superb with a fine French flavour! Geraint, Tony and Colin were finely attired in medieval dress while the rest of us wore more country clothes! It was good to see “ l's envithons du Vièr Châté auve eune èrsembliance du temps pâssé.”

La P'tite Ruelle Muchie An item for comment in our 'pet aversion' section – is the insertion of a comma instead of an apostrophe in the new lane sign La P,tite Ruelle Muchie which Colin had to unveil, which parallels the mis-spelling of Elizbeth on the new stamps. It's time, as we keep on saying, for proofreaders to check the proofreaders-if there are any!

At La Fête Médiévale at Bayeux this weekend, several members will be performing as part of a Jersey contingent from L'Assembliée, L'Office and the Êtudgiants in La Fête Nouormande section of the event, a report of which will appear next month.

Our next meeting will be held in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société on Wed. 7th July at 8.00 pm for a review of events, conversation, games possibly, and a preliminary look at an Anthology of Songs.

À la préchaine,

John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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