Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Juîn 2004
Salutâtions tout l'monde. I'fait bé acouo et i'y'a un tas d'flieurs dans l'gardîn à côté d'la plieunme d'ma tante!
Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the Vocabulary editing last month and to those who are ploughing steadily on with the sometimes boring editing of the various letter sections. The data base is vast but the final version will contain fewer apparent repetitions.
An interesting new name has appeared over the former Rooster's Restaurant in Les Quennevais shopping area. It now reads Le Quennevais Bistro another twist in the franglais version of things? or again, something being done without checking or without control of the sign writer, or may be just to catch the eye!
An important diary date this month will add more enjoyment to the programme. A 1204-2004 Scavenger Hunt (Eune Chasse en Vouaituthe du Temps Pâssé) has been organised by members of the Section for the Congrès, to raise some funds for La Fête Normande next year. The questions have been compiled and it will take place on Sunday 20th June, meeting at 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start in the Esplanade car park (opposite where Swansons used to be) at the Castle Street end, when the questions will be handed out in English and Jèrriais. The proposed cost is £4.00 (English) and £2.00 (Jèrriais) and prizes will be presented at the final rendez-vous between 4.30pm-5.00pm. We have chosen this time because most people are busy on Saturdays, or may lie in on Sunday mornings and may appreciate a Sunday afternoon drive with some exercise after lunch! Your support would be greatly appreciated and please tell all your friends and L'Assembliée members you know. It will be advertised on the radio, hopefully in La Lettre Jèrriaise and in Tony's lessons, and in the JEP.
Arrangements for our participation in La Fête Médiévale in Bayeux during 2,3,4th, July have been completed in terms of transport and accommodation and a large group including pupils and teachers will be there. The time table is being organised and we should learn our performance times and places when the French Connection has been made! It has been suggested that we could slip in two recitations D'la Viande dé Gh'Va followed by L'Haînitcheux as an amusing follow up.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday next, June 2nd at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room (your Président will arrange key pick up from the Office before 5.00pm), when we shall continue with the Vocabulary and discuss/arrange the following for the Scavenger Hunt and Bayeux;
- The one or two pieces for recitation, extra copies may be needed, and a rehearsal date, place and time for a short while just before we depart!
- Information on times and venues in Bayeux as far as are known.
- Meeting places and times for us and La Classe Avanchie so we can join them in the singing if possible.
- Anything anyone would like to check about, or suggest we should do for the Scavenger Hunt.
À la préchaine,
John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols(Ségrétaithe)
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