Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Juîn 2003
Salutâtions tout l'monde, comme i'fait grand caud aniet! Thank you to all those who were at May's rêunion and who added to the index of house names and to La Fête Normande's programme in Guernsey.
Several went over for the weekend and others did a day trip to perform in the afternoon. Following a fine lunch, there was a good variety of performances which included those from both Jersey and Guernsey pupils, and from adults in the three languages. The only awkward part was competing against the general public's noise at the local produce stalls, which shared the same tent! Eune sérée was also organised for after dinner.
The other event in May was the Food Fayre, which was reasonably well attended despite the continuous rain and wind, which made it un-commercial for us. The film crew and participants were similarly affected but many good scenes were obtained during the visit.
Enclosed is a copy of a piece from the Pageant held in 1955, entitled Vikings to V-Day. There is a programme for it and more Jèrriais in the performance, possibly of use to Tourism or the 2004 Celebrations Committee and maybe it could be discussed/submitted through the Congrès.
L'Office du Jèrriais is now committed to publishing Les Nouvelles Chroniques for Le Don Balleine, with a slightly more varied format and content. It will appear quarterly for Èrnouvé (March 31st), St. Jean (mid June), St. Miché (Sept.30th.) and Noué (c. Dec 7th). The issue for St. Jean will appear in mid June and will be available at La Société Jersiaise and L'Office du Jèrriais; a phone call to either will secure a copy and they will also be distributed by hand where possible. The contents will include reports on various Fêtes, the recent film crew visit, the new Connex Ferry links with Normandy, amusing stories about Jersey du temps passé, poems such as Lé Cahouain et La Chatte and various quizzes, puzzles and competitions related to the articles. L'Office would like contributions for the Chroniques as for La Gâzette- and all help will be given in the same way- to arrive one month, or sooner, before the above publication dates. Letters, comments and answers to the competitions etc. will also be welcomed.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 4th June at 8.00pm in the A. Mourant Room at La Société for a variety of things and not just the Eisteddfod practice piece!
À la préchaine - à bi
John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)