Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mai 2004
Salutâtions tout l'monde. Thank you very much indeed to all those who helped with the new Vocabulary at the last meeting it was very much appreciated and the nearly completed version has been sent to the experts for checking.
During the month, we had a very interesting meeting with a French Canadian journalist, Jean Benoit Nadeau, who is researching the use of French and its variations around the world, and we were able to give him a lot of information and examples.
During the week, comments on the pronunciation of some of our road names were heard on the local radio, particularly about that of La Rue de la Pointe being pronounced in English - Rue de la Point, as in appoint. The reply given by the announcer was that they don't deliberately mispronounce words and that pronunciation differs from one part of the island to another and that they do try to get it right. Unfortunately the caller was too polite to say that the radio announcers often anglicise the french words despite the fact that the whole road name is in French!
In the meantime, it has come to our notice, secondhand, that in addition to a lack of concern about pronunciation, accents and spelling in some cases, certain people in high office also may want to omit Le, La or Les from all road and place names! However, these articles should all occur on the official database. The argument that the French and Belgians omit them does not apply in our case as they know what is masculine, feminine and plural! It would seem that the Jersey authorities and the media are in a unique position to inform people who do not know, and to teach pupils who are learning, apart from letting everyone know that we can do things correctly and so prevent them ridiculing our seeming lack of care or ignorance.
Attached is the new description of a major historic monument en Jèrriais, with grateful thanks to John Denize and Department of Tourism for all their efforts.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5th. May, at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société where we shall continue with checking the Vocabulary draft, practice our recitation for La Fête Médiévale and for the Eisteddfod and discuss any other potential contributions. Assuming that Emeraude will be sailing using their big Sea Cat, Great Britain (running at present), comparative costs for a standard car and four people, two of whom have frequent traveller discounts with the respective companies, out on Thursday 1st July and returning on Sunday, 4th July have been quoted as £210.20 for Emeraude and £289.60 for Condor. This seems a big difference so please check if you are thinking of going to the Fête.
John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)
Lé nom d'l'empliaichement veint des mots Vièr Norrouais, grâr (gris) et nes (capée), la grise capée eune description parfaite du lieu veu d'la mé.
Lé Châté fut probabliément bâti d'vièrs 1330 quand Messire Jean des Roches 'tait lé Gardgien des Îles. Sus trais bords il est protégi par des falaises et sus l'quatrième par eune fôsse. Les muthâles sont bâties en pièrre des envithons et sont pus êpaîsses du côté d'la tèrre.
Èrgardant l'corps dé garde, protégé par san pont-lévis et hèrche et par deux fortes tours à châque bord, nou-s-éthait creu qué l'châté éthait 'té difficile à prendre. Pouortant, i' y'avait des d'fauts i' n'y'avait pas d'portes dé sorte pouor des contre-attacques, l'habitacl'ye 'tait rein qué deux sîmpl'yes bâtisses, auve des pus p'tits appentis contre les muthâles et, sustout, i' n'y'avait pas autcheune provision d'ieau en d'dans des muthâles.
Lé Châté fut prîns par les français en 1373, et quasîment dêmoli sait duthant ou auprès l'otchupâtion française dé l'île dé 1461 à 1468. En 1483, lé Seigneu d'St. Ouën fut autorisé dé fortifier san mangni et ch'tait împrobabl'ye tch'i' put faithe chenna si l'châté 'tait acouo d'usage.
En 1806, eune stâtion dé sîngnaux fut înstallée ichîn pouor pâsser des messages à Dgèrnésey, tchi nou peut vaie au nord-vouêt.