La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Avri 2005.

Salutâtions tout l'monde. L'èrnouvé est ichîn et l'hôlouoge est avanchie.

Last month's meeting went very well and we finalised the last details of publishing the Dictionary. After some lengthy discussions with members of the Publications committee concerning style and the costing procedure, we concluded the negotiations and with the full support of Le Don Balleine we gave the publisher permission to roll the presses.

La Société will handle the sales of 250 copies while Le Don Balleine will use the other 250 as a resource bank for education.

Orders for copies at the pre publication price of £12.50 should be made via the application form available from the Société's office, before May 23rd, the launch date.

In March too we also read several pieces of poetry as potential Eisteddfod pieces and agreed on an amusing one, again by Élie, although with some concern about it being longer than previous ones.

As correspondence we received a request via the Tourism Office for a translation of “Yours sincerely and fraternally”. The last word caused some head searching and required interpretation which was kindly provided by Brian Vibert as “Bein sîncéthement et auve grand amiêtchi”.

With the extra hour of daylight, our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 6
th starting at the earlier time of 7.30pm, outside La Société for some light language practice during a walk around town looking at the Jèrriais and French road names, the shops and their merchandise, and possible translations of road signs into Jèrriais. If raining, we shall meet in the Arthur Mourant Room for language practice with as much variety as possible.

John Clarke (Président)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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