Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mar 2005.
Salutâtions tout l'monde. Tchi temps! L'hivé est ichîn et siez nous ch'est comme lé nom d'la rue Les Gellettes!
Thank you to those who helped with the final details of the Dictionary last month and with the vocabulary games and exercises. Delay is now being caused by the Publications Committee which is insisting on the paper work for three quotes before they will give final authorisation for publication. We have obtained the lowest quote and are very grateful to the Don Balleine which has already agreed to pay half these costs.
Other Jèrriais business concerns nominations for Les Crapauds d'Or Certificates for the public use of Jèrriais by individuals, groups or organisations. For example, has anyone received any new Christmas greetings in Jèrriais? Please send us their names and the text(s) they used.
Short stories, anecdotes and experiences in Jèrriais are still needed for articles in the JEP. If you feel these are difficult to write, do them as you wish, even in English and then try a translation, because they could all be part of Jersey's heritage. Help will always be provided by l'Office du Jèrriais or ourselves. If we don't know, then we know someone who does!
Ron is doing well in Portelet Ward, visiting times between 3.30 and 7.30, but is getting a bit bored, and our esteemed Chairman is back safe and sound from his travels, down but not under!
Our next meeting will be on the 2nd. March at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room for language practice, poetry or prose, some preparation of individual topics no matter how short, and some study of possible Eisteddfod pieces.
À la préchaine,
John Clarke (Chairman)
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)

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