Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mar 2003
Salutâtions tout l' monde, ch'est lé mais d'l'êtchinnoxe. Èrnouvé arrive! Thank you to everyone who came to the February meeting where we presented our retiring Chairman, Jayne with flowers and fruit for so ably leading us from our inauguration in 1995 and welcomed John Clarke as our new Chairman. Although we didn't get straight down to work we discussed and confirmed the programme, clarified what was needed for the JEP articles and elected Ron Smith as another representative to the committee of the Congrès des Parlers Normands et Jèrriais.
Regarding our projects, we shall continue with the anthology as soon as possible and also include the gazette of house names and meanings to add variety, for example, a recent purchaser wanted a translation of the house name La Bouonne Vouaie near Le Bourg. Another, different request was for best wishes and toasts at a wedding - which might be an idea for a fieillet which could include christening and dinner toasts etc. Yet another request came from Tourism concerning the wish of the Connêtabl'ye to rename the Food Festival as the Public or Town Markets Festival. After checking the Dictionnaithe and confirming it with experts, the best interpretation seemed to be La Fête des Vièrs Marchièrs.
Correspondence was gratefully received from Pierre Le Moine concerning the usefulness of obtaining agreement in principle for road names being linked with the names of adjacent fields, areas and sites rather than any alien names being selected. This will be checked as soon as possible.
In addition, the Jèrriais names for the following birds are needed to complete a list; they are; pied flycatcher, godwit, turnstone and scoter. If anyone can help we would be grateful if you would contact us.
In the reminders category, Geraint would welcome any short articles, anecdotes, stories (150-200 words) en Jèrriais ou Angliais, which can be spell checked and translated for you if necessary, topics can be; When I was Young; My Best or Favourite Meal, and In my Parish, or any other light and interesting subject matter. Secondly, how many of our Gold Certificate winning team are available to go to Guernsey to read Lé Divorce on Saturday May 10th for the day to represent the Section, as long as we can be programmed between arrival and return times? Would you check your diaries and advise at the March meeting?
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 5th March at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room to continue with our programme.
À bétôt, John Clarke.
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