Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Mar 2002
Salutâtions tout l'monde. Lé temps est sus les plyies -tchi surprînse. Thank you to all those who attended last month's meeting; the follow-up at Lé Mangni d'Sanmathès on the Sunday afternoon was presqu' încriyabl'ye- like finding a treasure trove! Vincent Obbard has collected a great variety of tools, machines and utensils, which are currently stored, from roof to floor, throughout one of his cattle stalls. They are predominantly farm implements such as various ploughs, rakes, containers and drills etc. In addition though, he has the old dairy complete with butter making equipment (for which I have a photograph with my maternal grandmother as the dairy maid at the Manor early last century) and next door he has a barn with several different horse-drawn vehicles. Outside he has a rare wheelwright's plate, a cider trough, a press and several 'pièrres dé haûgard'. Geraint Jennings took digital photographs of each item, which I listed for our project over the next few meetings.
Thank you very much to John Clark who has written and sent information on the various versions of Le Grand Marché in the advertising contractors' section of the JEP (20/12/01)- amusing if wasn't sad to see! Thank you also to Max Lucas who advised of the possible Don Balleine discussion of the way forward for reviewing neologisms.
Our next meeting will be held in the Arthur Mourant Room, La Société Jersiaise, at 8.00pm on Wed. 6th March for an identification and labelling evening- en jèrriais et angliais- as preparation for our jèrriais display at the Manor at La Fête Normande in June, and if there's time, some anthology work and Vocabulaithe editing.
In the meantime here is a short meteorological exercise!
'Lé jour dé tchi tch'i tchit tant d'plyie' from les anciens d'St Ou.
A la Préchaine,
Jayne Le B. Nichols (Présidente)