La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Les Fieillets Jèrriais

Févri 2006

Salutâtions tout l'monde; lé temps vole et Févri est sus l'pas d'porte! Thank you to those who attended the Annual Review and helped to compile the proposed programme below. It was also agreed that the present committee should continue to act on your behalf in 2006.

We reviewed the past year's activities which will be included in the Section's Annual Report for the Bulletin and then discussed a variety of activities to further the learning and presentation of Jèrriais to the public. We also listed examples of the use of Jèrriais last year by outside groups in business or commerce for awarding Crapaud d'Or certificates. Finally we also discussed the Internet Wikipedia and the Norman and Jèrriais 'Wikis' now accepted, where any authors and other contributors can add/amend information and articles at any time.
On Monday, Jan. 16th the first Congrès meeting of 2006 discussed fund raising for which there will be a Beans and Bingo evening on Friday March 24th at La Salle Publique, St Martin; nominations for Crapauds d'Or certificates for which there were several; and subjects for articles in Jèrriais in the JEP – as usual, any topical item or short story will be most welcome and should be sent to L'Office du Jèrriais at Highlands; and La Fête Normande in Guernesey on Sat. June 24th – a day visit for us?
On Tuesday, Jan. 17
th. members joined those of L'Office du Jèrriais at one of the Radio Jersey open evenings to offer our help with their pronunciation of French names in their broadcasts. There were a dozen people there who commented on the quality of the programmes, the variable quality of broadcasting, interviewing and presentation, as well as the poor pronunciation of French names and their English grammar. The comments were all recorded but the basic question of whether the station manager agreed with the comments and had the motivation or power to effect change were not revealed.
Errors noticed recently were in the address 'Pres des l'Auberge' by Grange Developers alongside the St.Mary's Public House car park. We will try and rectify!

Proposed Jèrriais Section programme at 8.00pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Arthur Mourant room at La Société.

Janvi 4th. Annual Meeting; reports, officers, 2006 programme.
Févri 1st. Written exercises - Future Tense for Les Nouvelles Chroniques.
Mar 1st. Anthology – proof reading; Eisteddfod reading and selection.
Avri 5th. Anthology – proof reading; Eisteddfod piece translation.
Mai 3rd. Written exercises – next tense for Autumn Nouvelles Chroniques.
Juîn 7th. Practice for La Fête Normande Guernsey June 24th. day visit.
Juilet 5th. Prepared piece(s) and Eisteddfod practice.
Août 2nd. Visit to Saie Harbour and dolmen or alternative.
Sept. 6th. Written exercises – for winter Nouvelles Chroniques; Eisteddfod.
Oct. 4th. Language and Eisteddfod practice and prepared pieces.
Nov. 8th. Final Eisteddfod work.
Déz. 6th. Christmas recipes and Carol practice.


À la préchaine,

John Clarke (Président)

Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe)


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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