Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Févri 2004
Salutâtions tout l'monde, acouo eune fais! Thank you to all those who attended our Annual Meeting; it proceeded - sans problièmes - and the 2003 report revealed how much we had done. It was approved and will be presented as the Section's Report in the Annual Bulletin.
Janv. 7th. | Annual Meeting to receive annual reports from the Chairman and the Treasurer, elect officers and discuss the programme for 2004. |
Fév. 4th. | Start proof reading and corrections of the Anthology. Start compiling author and item notes; information to be obtained from various resources which are in Les Pages Jèrriaises and in the Library, and will be available at each meeting. Conversation and games. |
Mar 3rd. | Continue with the above, plus review and selection of pieces for the Eisteddfod 2004; reading same to the group. Conversation and games. |
Avr. 7th | Continue with above and practice 2003 Eisteddfod piece for La Fête Normande at La Fête Médiévale in Bayeux, in July, plus Eisteddfod 2004. Conversation and games. |
Mai 5th. | Review Anthology progress; continue if necessary, or start on Anthology of Jèrriais Songs. Discuss compiling June Scavenger Hunt for fund raising for La Fête Normande 2005 in Jersey. Practice Eisteddfod 2004 piece. Conversation and games. |
Juîn 2nd | Continue with above. Practice D'la Viande dé Gh'va for La Fête Normande, Bayeux, Fri. Sat. Sun., 2nd,3rd,4th July. Conversation and games. |
Juil. 7th | Continue with Song Anthology and discuss any information received about Parish signs in Jèrriais ref. that of St. Ouën. Conversation and games. Practice Eisteddfod 2004 piece. |
Août 4th | Visit to Lé Havre d'St. Aubin for vocabulary and conversation practice. |
Sept.1st | Continue with Song Anthology and start composition of 'Pomme Poèmes' or limericks for La Faîs'sie d'Cidre at Hamptonne in late October. Conversation and games. Practice Eisteddfod 2004 piece. |
Oct. 6th | Review of Guy Fawkes' celebrations en Jèrriais. Practice Eisteddfod 2004 piece. Discuss and select any individual or group pieces for the final Concèrt. Conversation and games. |
Nov 3rd | Guy Fawkes celebrations in final form. Practice for Eisteddfod 2004, late Nov. and for Lé Concèrt. Conversation and games. |
Déz. 1st | Carol practice etc. for Les Fêtes dé Noué; en ville, à l'églyise et à la Salle Publique. |