Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Févri 2003
Salutâtions tout l'monde. I hope you all had a relaxing and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
Our annual meeting was held as arranged and in addition to the Chairman's Annual Report which will be published in the Bulletin, the Treasurer reported that we ended 2002 within budget, monies having been used to support Lé Congrès des Parlers Normands-Jèrriais, for the typing of the Jèrriais-English version of Carré's Vocabulary and to help with the publication of the work of George d'la Forge by the Don Balleine. During the election of officers, I confirmed my intention to retire as Chairman after leading the section since its formation in 1995 and John Clarke was elected as our new Chairman and the present committee members were re-elected. It was agreed that other members might be co-opted at any time if they wished to help in any way. The programme for the coming year was then discussed and agreed subject to modification due to any unforseen topical events.
Good news was received concerning the new road names en Jèrriais and French which have been agreed for the new Quartier du Havre, namely: La Sente de Benoist; La Cache de Mélèches, La Promenade des Maries, La Rue de l'Êtau and La Rue de Carteret, all of which reflect events and history in the area.
Requests were also received for nominations for Lé Crapaud d'Or certificates for anyone who has used Jèrriais publicly in any way during 2002 eg. the Co-op for Le Marché and WEB for agreeing to the above road names.
During the coming year we hope to contribute some articles en Jèrriais and English for the JEP which will be collated by Geraint and Tony from L'Office du Jèrriais at Highlands. Anyone who would like to contribute, please write a short text (250-300words) on any theme, personal, parochial or topical which interests you. Write in Jèrriais if possible (this can be edited using spell check) and include an English translation. The first themes are: When I was Young
Quand j'tais janne; An Extraordinary Experience
. Eune Expéthience Extraordinnaithe; A Great Meal
Un Hardi Bouon Fricot.
It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Jurat Max Lucas. He was a very kind and learned man and in addition to his work on the Ditons, he made time to write to us frequently, providing some translations for our book, Les Preunmié Mille Mots and taking great care with the composition and use of neologisms, only recently advising us that the Don Balleine had agreed assess and ratify the use of new words. We shall miss him as a guide and friend.
Geraint has sent some attested neologisms as follows;
Computer network
drannet d'compiuteu.
Nightclub bouncer
bîndeux d'clobe.
Four-way adaptor
plogue à quat'
Switch off
souitchi hors.
Optical Character Readout (OCR)
liéthie d'caractéthes.
Sun roof
lief dé solé.
Removable drive
badgette dé mémouaithe.
New words are needed for the following:
- Shampoo and conditioner.
- Shower gel.
- Central locking.
- Venetian blind.
- Spin doctor.
- Sell-by date
Answers on a postcard please!
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone on the Committee and in the Section for their continuous support and encouragement; I couldn't have done it without you and we couldn't have fulfilled our commitment to our language without your contributions during these seven years. I wish John Clarke a very happy tenure and as interesting and happy a time as I have had, and I shall be only too pleased to support him and the Committee, and to help with the research for our projects.
À la préchaine,

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