Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Févri 2002
Salutâtions tout lé monde; ch'est déja Févri, et acouo i'n'y'a d'la né- à cause du rêcauffîn d'l'atmosphéthe-j'crai! Please submit neologisms for global warming in the usual way! Our annual meeting successfully accomplished its agenda in the pleasant atmosphere of the Royal around a relatively secluded table. The annual report was made available to those present rather than being read out and last year's Committee agreed to stand for another year with J. Clark being elected as Treasurer. Thanks and appreciation for a successful year were extended to the Committee members who in turn recorded their thanks to all those who had made it possible. They not only came to the meetings but also attended functions, served the public at Fêtes, contributed to projects, sent us letters, advised and supported us and generally made time to help. All this increased our knowledge and helped to raise public awareness.
The meeting concluded with a discussion of the 2002 programme. It was agreed that emphasis should be on the completion of the first Anthology, the initial editing of the Jèrriais-English version of Albert Carré's Vocabulary and the preparation for La Fête Normande in June at Samarès Manor. However, each meeting will also include language sessions involving old and new words and using a mixture of methods and media, which will be colourful, amusing and not seriously academic!
Our next meeting will be held in the Arthur Mourant Room, La Société Jersiaise, Pier Road at 8.00pm on Wednesday, 6th February.
A la Préchaine,
Jayne Le B. Nichols (Présidente)
Janvyi 9th | Annual Meeting-report, elections, programme for 2002. The Royal, St. Martin. |
Févri 6th | Anthology- selection, translation, author information, other requirements. La Fête Normande- outline of programme and plans for Section contributions. |
9th or 10th | visit to Samarès Manor to check areas and items for labelling. |
Mar 6th | Anthology- continue with translation etc. as above. La Fête Normande- Area and item labelling for the Manor. Language skills, including any initial editing of Carré's new Vocab. |
Avri 3rd | Anthology- continue with above. |
Review of pieces for our Eisteddfod entry. | |
Language skills etc. | |
Practice of L'Haintcheux for La Fête Normande. | |
Mai 1st | Preparation of Sections' Sunday displays for La Société's Day at La Fête. |
Fun reading of unseen pieces- eune lôt'rie! | |
Practice of L'Hainitcheux for La Fête. | |
Juîn 5th | La Fête Normande- participation in street activities 'en ville' and preparation of Section displays. |
8th | Au Manoir de Samarès; 10.30-5.30pm support and performance(s) 7.30pm Magène Concert at St. James. |
9th | A La Société -Open Day; 10.30-12.00 Section displays. 2.00- 4.30 Guided tours. |
Juilet 3rd | Anthology- translation and compilation of author information. Language session including neologisms and editing Carré's new Vocab. Initial Eisteddfod practice of chosen piece with feeling and gesticulation! |
Août 7th | Les Mielles Barbe à Tcheue(BBQ) and beach promenade en Jèrriais-7.00pm |
Sept. 4th | Eune séthée dé gammes en Jèrriais followed by Eisteddfod practice. |
Oct. 2nd | Language session-Neologisms 1. Study of new words and their meanings. |
Eisteddfod practice. | |
La Faîs'sie d'Cidre later in the month à | |
Nov. 6th | Language session-Neologisms 2. Search exercise for the Jèrriais equivalent of the new word meanings studied last month. |
Eisteddfod practice. | |
La Niet du Nièr Beurre later in the month à la Fèrme dé Rôzé. | |
Déz. 4th | Eune sethée ès Cantiques dé Noué-practice for Les Fêtes dé Noué auvec rafraîchissements. |