Les Fieillets Jèrriais
Janvyi 2005
Salutâtions tout l'monde pouor la dreine fais chutte année. Thank you to everyone who turned out for the December meeting. It was a vital one as we had to discuss the final format for the Vocabulaithe and other necessary details. You'll be pleased to hear that the proposed format was agreed; the styles of print(font), the spacing the identification of the parts of speech and the genders were all very clear and easy to read, partly similar in style to Carré's Vocabulary in terms of the use of bold type. A detailed preface outlining the basis on which the words had been chosen and the way in which they were being identified and presented was discussed and accepted. Guidance for users was also discussed and accepted. A group photograph will now be needed as will the detailed acknowledgements to all those who have helped in this mammoth project.
Meanwhile, corrections are still being made with great fortitude and resolution by Laurie Huelin and being included by Geraint as they are completed. Geraint has run through the data base and begun to merge all the duplicates for the final copy, and has begun alphabetising all the various preposition phrases and possessives and is happy that all is on track.
It gives me pleasure to report that the carol singing was melodious and the Annual Service was wonderful, followed by the usual excellent supper a fitting end to a good year.
The next meeting will be our Annual Meeting on January 5th at 8.00pm in the Arthur Mourant Room at La Société for our 2004 Review, discussion of our 2005 Programme especially as it's our turn to host La Fête Normande, and to elect any officers.
Mèrcie chent mille fais à tout l'monde pouor vot'aîgue chutte année et comme tréjous i'a'té un grand pliaîsi à travailli auv'ous.
Ayiz un hardi bouôn Noué et eune raide bouonne année en 2005.
À la préchaine.
Ralph Nichols (Ségrétaithe) in the absence of John
Clarke who sends all good wishes from down under in Australia.
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