La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Lé Corps - The Body


As in English, Jèrriais has eune braichie (an armful) of expressions connected with parts of the body. For example, if two people are hand in glove, they are coumme la main et l'gant. If you cannot see your hand in front of your face, in Jèrriais you would say: nou n'vait pon la main d'vant sé. To shake hands is châtchi d'main, and to be at a loose end is: s'laîssi tchaie l'pônchet dans la main, which literally means to drop one's thumb in one's hand.

To pull someone's leg is: haler sus la gambe à tchitch'un, which is the same idea as in English. However if you are waited on hand and foot, that is expressed rather differently in Jèrriais: sèrvi au dé et à l'yi (served finger and eye). Someone who is light-fingered, a les dés longs (has long fingers).

What are known in English as bigwigs are les grôsses têtes (big heads) in Jèrriais, and someone who thinks themselves very important a l'nez haut ( is stuck up - literally, "has the high nose"). Someone who drinks too much, lève lé coute (raises the elbow), but it is probably a good idea to use dé l'hielle dé coute (elbow grease).

Here are the parts of the body used in these expressions: la main (the hand), l'pônchet (the thumb), la gambe (the leg), l'yi (the eye), lé dé (the finger), la tête (the head), l'nez (the nose), lé coute (the elbow), la dent (the tooth), lé pid (the foot).

And to finish, here is a traditional toast:

Bouôn Pid, Bouôn Yi, Bouonne Dent, et l'Paradis à la fîn d'vouos jours! (Good foot, good eye, good tooth, and Paradise at the end of your days!)


Viyiz étout:



La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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