La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Bouônjour! - Hello!

Do you write “hello” or “hallo”? Either way, you have a similar choice in Jèrriais between bouônjour and bouanjour - but the pronunciation is the same. Bouôn or bouan means “good” and jour means “day” so you're really saying “good day”. This is fine all day long, although if you really want to specify “good morning” you can say bouônjour à matîn.

However in the evening, use bônsouair (good evening) - the joke is that it's polite to “swear” in Jèrriais, as that's how the second half of the word is pronounced.

Meeting un anmîn (a friend, male) or eune amie (a friend, female), you'll probably want to ask “Comme est qu'tu'es?” (how are you?), but more formally la tchestchion (the question) will be “Comme est qu'ous êtes?

Possible answers are “Jé sis d'charme” (I'm fine) or “pon trop mal” (not too bad). Among the more colourful responses are “Comme un vyi” (like an old man) and “Comme eune vielle” (like an old woman) or “Comme eune pouque mouoillie” (like a wet bag) or the versatile “Comme lé temps” (like the weather).

Take your leave with the ever-popular À bétôt (goodbye) or À bi ('bye). Some people use À tantôt for “see you later on”, and you can also say À d'main (see you tomorrow) or À la s'maine tchi veint (see you next week).

À la préchaine (till next time)!


Viyiz étout:


La Section de la langue Jèrriaise
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