History Section


La Société Jersiaise

The History Section


Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 21st March 2000 at 5.15pm

Members' Room


1. Members present :

Mary Billot (Secretary), Roger de Carteret (Correspondence Secretary) took the chair in David Le Maistre's absence, Nelson Fauvel, Geraint Jennings, Nicolas Jouault, Mary Jupp, Sally Knight, Georgia Le Maistre, Alec Podger.

Apologies : Jean Arthur, Marie-Louise Backhurst, Gavin Booth, Sue Hardy, David Le Maistre (Chairman), John & Rosemary Speller, Pauline Taylor.

2. Minutes of the meeting of February 15th 2000, and amendments

These were signed as a correct record. There were no amendments.

3. Matters arising from the minutes, not covered by the agenda

5.3 Roger de Carteret reported that Mr Hutt is in touch with the aunt of Glenys Lawrence about the Perrot letters in New Zealand.

5.6 Georgia Le Maistre reported that there is a Masonic memorial to Dr Cuquemelle (died 1859) in Almorah Cemetery.

5.8 Geraint Jennings has found no further information on the Internet about The others, a Spanish film possibly starring Nicole Kidman.

4. Chairman's announcements

4.1 The Spring 2000 newsletter is being prepared for publication; the Section's contribution was circulated.

4.2 There will be a Planning Co-ordination Group seminar on March 24th 2000 called 'Getting the hell out of St Helier : how to co-ordinate planning in the future', Members' Room, 2.30-6.00pm.

4.3 The CI pages on Alex Glendinning's website http://user.itl.net/~glen has won a prestigious award from the Golden Gate Genealogy Forum on AOL. It was the Best Site Pick for March 2000; it is only the eighth to be given. The meeting passed on its hearty congratulations to Alex.

5. Members' presentations

5.1 Georgia Le Maistre reported on the successful format of the New Members evening on March 3rd 2000; the Library was open as usual and the Sections had promotional stands.

5.2 Geraint Jennings said that the only Section emails this month related to genealogy which had been forwarded to the Library. He is adding 24 pages on the Millennium monoliths and crosses to the Section's website pages. He will also add a short article on local celebrations of Guy Fawkes Night (from the 19th century onwards; prior to that time November 5th was only acknowledged by statutory prayers in the parish churches). George d'la Forge wrote an article for the JEP, 26th June 1982.

5.3 Alec Podger suggested that one of the Autumn Lectures could be in the form of a History Brains Trust; the meeting thought that this was a good idea.



5.4 Mary Billot listed forthcoming dates :

Frank Falle on the Vikings, Members' meeting, March 29th 2000, 8pm

SJ Millennium dinner, Hotel L'Horizon, April 1st 2000, 8pm

Dr Warwick Rodwell on Colomberie House, Members' meeting, April 12th 2000, 8pm

SJ AGM, April 13th 2000, 8pm

5.5 Roger de Carteret is examing Nicolle wills (Wrentham Hall, St Martin).


6. Date of next meeting

Tuesday April 18th 2000 at 5.15 pm, Members' Room, Société Jersiaise.