History Section


La Société Jersiaise

The History Section


Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday December 18th 2001 at 5.15pm
Arthur Mourant Room

1.         Members present :

Apologies :

2.        Minutes of the meeting of November 20th and amendments
  1. Bob Le Sueur said that Sallee (Salé) is on the Atlantic coast of Morocco (not Tunisia).

3.         Matters arising from the minutes
These will be considered at the January 2002 meeting.

4.        Chairman's announcements

  1. Frank Falle thanked David Levitt for a very successful final Autumn public lecture. Five slots have been booked for the 2002 series of lectures.
  2. Frank welcomed Don Bell to his first meeting. He thanked Georgia Le Maistre for all her help with the preparation of the food at this Christmas meeting and congratulated her on her lectures on Dr Lilian Grandin to the SJ and the CIFHS.
  3. Frank said that David Le Maistre is guest speaker at the AGM of the Jersey Society in London on January 24th 2002; he will talk about Jersey postcards.
  4. Blood of the Vikings : the five BBC2 programmes have finished. The DNA results shows traces of Norman evidence in the CI swabs. Frank will give further details at the January 2002 meeting.
  5. The draft consultation plan for Mont Orgueil Castle has been published. The section has received a copy of vol.1 and 2 (Site gazetteer); they are also available in the SJ Library and at the Jersey Archive. Comments are requested by 14th January 2002. [The deadline has been extended to 28th January 2002, as Dr Rodwell's report on the Tudor areas has now been received, JEP 28/12/2001].
  6. The SJ representatives on the Scrutiny Committee are Chris Aubin and Collette Stevens.
  7. Frank said that it is important for the Section to respond and to liaise with the Archaeology Section. It was noted that there is little mention of the prehistory of the mound or the military history of the castle.

Frank will convene a small group including Gavin Booth, Mary Gibb, David Levitt (a MOC guide, his membership to be confirmed), Rosemary Mesch. Roy Dobin (CIOS Vice-President) will be consulted on military and German Occupation matters. Frank will contact the group for a meeting scheduled between January 4th and 10th 2002.
Gavin will have vol.1 and 2 of the plan first; Mary has her own copy from the St Martin Conservation Trust.

5.        The Dinan Study Group presentation
Marie-Louise Backhurst and Francis Corbet spoke about the study tour, illustrated by slides, photographs and Ann Corbet's scrapbook. Other books and memorabilia were also on display. Frank thanked them for their fascinating presentation and everyone present showed their appreciation.

6. Any other business
There was no other business.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday January 15th 2002, 5.15pm, Members Room if available, otherwise Arthur Mourant Room.