Saint Helier - Saint Hélyi - Saint Hélier

St Hélyi

The Statue in the Church


This small wooden sculpture of St. Helier is located over the door in the porch of the Parish Church of St. Helier, Jersey.


It is a copy of a statue in Bréville, Manche.

St Helier
Chutte statue s'trouve au d'ssus d'la porte d'l'églyise parouaîssiale dé Saint Hélyi.

I' porte l'habit d'un mouaine, et eune Bibl'ye pouor mouontrer tch'i' 'tait l'êvangélisateu d'Jèrri.




St Helier
St Helier
St Helier



St Hélyi

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